Wednesday, December 27, 2006

Action Alert follow-up: alert your Congressperson re lead

This is a follow-up to my previous alert on the EPA considering the removal of lead from the pollutants list ( Environmental Action is asking every member of Congress to contact the EPA about this proposed insanity. Remember, the only reason why lead levels are so low today is because we've banned it for 30 years. The restrictions should not be eased, let alone removed.

In economics, an externality is a side effect or consequence that affects other parties without this being reflected in the price of the good or service sold. Externalities can be positive or negative - I've been told that the aroma of chocolate in Hershey, Pennsylvania (home to Hershey's, the chocolate company) is a major positive externality. However, businesses often try to externalize costs like pollution, waste cleanup, and healthcare costs. They have incentive to do so, because they're primarily responsible to their shareholders.

Many aspects of capitalism are good, but NOT all - we would do well to remember that. And we would do well to stop the EPA from removing lead from their toxins list. If the allegations of industry lobbying are true, the affected companies must stop whining and comply with regulations. They must not be allowed to impose their costs on the rest of us, because it is the most disadvantaged among us who will bear the brunt of those costs - and next in line will probably be their own workers.

Environmental Action link:

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