Friday, April 25, 2008

Can men be feminists?

Cath Elliot, in an opinion piece on the Guardian.

Many feminists welcome men's championship of the cause, but there's much debate over their entitlement to call themselves feminists
Cath Elliott


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April 23, 2008 10:00 AM | Printable version

In the book Feminism is for Everybody, bell hooks defines feminism as "a movement to end sexism, sexist exploitation, and oppression", while the Oxford English Dictionary defines it as "the advocacy of women's rights on the grounds of sexual equality." You'll get no argument from me on either of these interpretations; they're straightforward, non-controversial, and best of all, inclusive. Ignore all the confusing sub-divisions like Marxist feminism, radical feminism and anarcha-feminism, and the arguments about whether we're experiencing the third-wave or whether we're in a state of post- feminism, and feminism really can be summed up this concisely. What's even more exciting is that if we went by either one of these definitions we'd probably be hard pushed to find someone who wasn't prepared to declare themselves a feminist.

But is it really as straightforward as this? Can everyone who supports the idea of women's rights call themselves a feminist, or are there other criteria that have to be met before people are allowed to sport the label? Like having a vagina for example, or having experience of life as a female and all the attendant discriminations that that brings? Can men ever really be feminists, or should pro-feminist men be consigned to the sidelines, welcome allies in the struggle for gender equality, but disqualified from full membership by dint of their unasked for but nonetheless privileged position as fully paid up members of the male fraternity?

Any movement for social justice would be doing itself no favours if it deliberately excluded its own supporters from the ranks, but while many feminists welcome men's championship of the cause, there's still a great deal of debate over their entitlement to call themselves feminists. The argument rages even amongst pro-feminist men, with some arguing that gender should be no barrier to full and active participation, and others arguing that as feminism is rooted in the women's liberation movement, a movement founded by women for the advancement of women, men have no right to lay claim to the tag.

Brian Klocke of the National Organisation for Men against Sexism has argued: "Although I believe that men can be pro-feminist and anti-sexist, I do not believe we can be feminists in the strictest sense of the word in today's society. Men, in this patriarchal system, cannot remove themselves from their power and privilege in relation to women. To be a feminist one must be a member of the targeted group (ie a woman) not only as a matter of classification but as having one's directly-lived experience inform one's theory and praxis."

Women feminists have also voiced misgivings about men's involvement in the movement. Some men, they argue, automatically assume a dominant role when they become activists, claiming to be better feminists than feminist women, and failing to recognise and challenge their own sexist behaviour. These so-called fellow travellers merely reinforce the tired gender stereotyping that feminism seeks to subvert, and by their domineering behaviour, they silence women's voices and perpetuate existing male power and oppression. They jockey for control and appoint themselves as spokespeople, in a diverse non-hierarchical movement that neither needs nor seeks figureheads or leaders.

Personally I have some sympathy with this position, having had my own run-ins with so-called male feminists. To be perfectly frank, I really don't need men telling me how to be a better feminist, or that my "kind" of feminism is wrong. By all means debate the issues with me, but define my feminism for me? No, I don't think so.

These annoying entryists aside, men are welcome allies in the struggle for women's equality. The current crisis in masculinity and the search for a male identity bear testimony to how centuries of patriarchal hegemony has harmed men too. Pro-feminist men have been active in challenging male behaviour and attitudes, founding organisations like the White Ribbon Campaign, which raises awareness of male violence against women, and working with young men (pdf) in schools as both role models and mentors.

At the end of the day, any men prepared to stand up against sexism, sexual and domestic violence, socially constructed gender roles and women's oppression are all right by me. I don't care what they call themselves either: allies, fellow travellers, feminist sympathisers, pro-feminists, or even just plain feminists; it doesn't matter what's on the label, it's how feminism is translated into everyday life that matters. You can't call yourself a feminist and then go home and beat your partner; you can't call yourself a feminist and in the next breath deny your daughter the right to decide her own future; you can't call yourself a feminist while at the same time you're patting women on the head and telling them how to think. But treat us as equals and we'll reciprocate. There's still a long way to go, but we'll get there much faster together.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I so agrre with this blog, there are some men who try yet they just dont see how far they still need to come.