Thursday, June 26, 2008

The coalition of vicious homophobes that is trying to make the Anglican Communion fall apart is itself falling apart

Father Jake, a prominent Episcopal blogger, has the story.

Meanwhile, "an infamous Dominionist" was spotted at GAFCON, the anti-Lambeth conference run by the vicious homophobes. Howard Ahmanson is a notorious financier of ultraconservative causes in the US, such as the Institute on Religion and Democracy. A quote from Howie by Episcopal Cafe:

"I think what upsets people is that Rushdoony seemed to think - and I'm not sure about this - that a godly society would stone people for the same thing that people in ancient Israel were stoned," [Ahmanson] said. "I no longer consider that essential.

"It would still be a little hard to say that if one stumbled on a country that was doing that, that it is inherently immoral, to stone people for these things," Ahmanson said. "But I don't think it's at all a necessity."

Lastly, GAFCON was to be held in Jordan. However, Big Pete (Akinola) was banned. He is likely to be complicit in the organized murder of Muslims in Nigeria. Admittedly, this was in response to equal violence by Muslims against Christians. But the act, which I covered earlier, went way beyond self defense, and is inexcusable.

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