Sunday, October 05, 2008

US appeas NJ Muslim cleric case

The Associated Press reports that the US Immigration and Customs Enforcement department is appealing the case of Mohammed Qatanani to the Board of Immigration Appeals.

In a case that could erode hard-won trust between Muslims and law enforcement, the government is appealing the case of a Muslim leader who won his fight to remain in the United States.

U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement wants the Board of Immigration Appeals to review the decision to stop the deportation of Mohammad Qatanani (KAH'-tah-NAH'-nee), a leader accused by some federal officials of having terrorist ties but praised by others as being an important ally.

Qatanani, 44, won his fight to gain permanent U.S. residency in September, when a federal immigration judge determined the government's case against the Palestinian was too weak to prove he had any ties to extremist groups.

I hope that the US Muslim community will remember to distinguish Immigration and Customs Enforcement from regular law enforcement. ICE is a bunch of rabid dogs.

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