Monday, January 15, 2007

It's MLK Day!

On Jan 15, the United States celebrates Martin Luther King Day. MLK was born on Jan 15, 1929, and is a champion of civil rights and racial reconciliation. He helped the African-American community realize that it was OK, and perhaps even blessed, to be Black. He also may have had extramarital affairs, and he distanced himself on several occasions from Bayard Rustin, the man who convinced him about nonviolence and organized the march on Washington. Rustin had several convictions for 'sodomy', and had previous ties to the Communist Party in the US. King also failed to bring women fully into the movement, although Coretta Scott King, his wife, later became a figure in her own right. I say all this because we cannot put our saints on pedestals and ignore their flaws. Their flaws are what make them human. Any of us, flaws and all, could be saints.

The Episcopal Church celebrates him on April 4, the day he entered into glory, and I will say more about him then. Meanwhile, praise be to God for his life and his testimony.

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