Sunday, March 25, 2007

Oscar Romero's proper in Spanish

A proper (noun) is the short prayer that varies with the season or festival, and every one of the Episcopal Church's saints has a proper. An Episcopal priest ( translated the proper into Spanish, which I assume Romero spoke fluently. There were several world events that forced me to post and push his entry down, but Blessed Oscar is an important saint, and deserves a bit more visibility. And so,

Dios del amor, tu llamaste a tu siervo Oscar Romero para ser la voz de los pobres sin voz, y para entregar a su vida como semilla de liberación y un señal de la esperanza: da nos el valor, los que están inspirado por su sacrificio y el ejemplo de los mártires salvadoreños, para que podemos dar testimonio, sin temor, de tu Verbo, que está con nosotros, tu Verbo que es la Vida, Jesucristo nuestro hermano y Salvador. Amen


Jane R said...

Spanish was Oscar Romero's first language. (I'm not sure whether he spoke any other, actually.)

W said...


Was trying to be ironic. :)


Jane R said...

Oops, didn't pick that up since it was a serious post. I didn't realize you were so sophisticated that you mix irony with lament.

But I am just a simple country theologian. ;-)