Thursday, March 06, 2008

Last comment on Paul Moore

I don't like to over-analyze someone's sexual behaviors in or out of marriage. However, some things do bear re-examination.

I stated earlier that Mark Sisk had missed the fact that the closet can be a place that induces people to self-destruct. Mark is, in fact, a staunch advocate for his LGBT clergy. He is likely to know how destructive the closet can be. On reflection, I doubt that he missed this. He is on 'our' side. If he weren't, I don't think he'd be elected the Episcopal Bishop of New York.

Elizabeth Kaeton asserts that Paul's actions were an open secret in the Diocese. He had been inhibited on several occasions, for the (very valid) criticisms that Mark raised in his letter to his clergy. I interpret her words at the linked post as saying: if you participated in the keeping of an open secret, don't consider yourself to be entirely blameless when the truth comes out.

Again, it is clear that God will be the final judge. And it is clear to me that the Episcopal Church must continue to let its clergy and laypeople live closet-free lives.

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